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Custom domain setup

How to fully white label your portal with a custom domain.

Kevin Frei avatar
Written by Kevin Frei
Updated over a year ago

Agency and Agency Pages accounts can be fully white-labeled with a custom domain. You have to purchase your domain name yourself from a registrar like, but we will supply the SSL certificate.

To set up your custom domain, go to your My Profile page and scroll to the Custom Domain section.

The steps you must follow are listed in that section, but I will elaborate on them here:

Step One

Enter the domain name you want to use. You should already own the domain. You can put your profile on, or you can put it on a subdomain.

Some popular subdomains include,, and Choose carefully, because if you want to change this later you will have to contact Support!

Step Two

Setting up your custom domain in Ahsuite requires adding a couple records to your DNS.

Typically you will access your DNS through the same registrar where you purchased your domain name, such as GoDaddy.

Once you have found these settings, you need to add a record. The type of record you need to add depends on whether you are using the root domain (A record) or a subdomain (CNAME record).

After you submit your desired custom domain name, it will tell you in your profile settings what record to create.

Depending on what registry you use to manage you DNS (GoDaddy, Route53, etc), how you enter the record can be a little different. See in the below two examples only the subdomain is added to the "Name" field:

But in some other registries you might need to include a trailing period (e.g. portal.), or the full domain name (

If you are using the root domain, you might enter an "@" symbol in the Name field of an A record.

The point is that when adding a DNS record you need to enter the Name the way your specific domain registry wants it.

Once you have created this record, it will take anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours to propagate, so you might need to take a break before clicking "Verify." But keep your DNS settings open because you will need them in the next step.

Step 3

Once the domain is verified, you need to add a CNAME record for your SSL certificate. In your profile settings you will see a table with the records you need to add. If the table is empty, wait a few seconds and refresh your page.

When adding this CNAME record, the same comments from Step 2 apply. Depending on how your domain registry has you input records, you may need to add a trailing period (.) or even add the root domain to the Name. Here are a couple examples:

As with the domain name, it can take up to a couple hours to propagate, and then Ahsuite should detect the updated record. If we still can't detect the record after a couple of hours, doublecheck how you have input the Name and whether you need to add a period or the root domain.

Once it is detected, you are all done. We just need to do a couple things on our end to finalize the process, and then your custom domain will be live! If you have any problems, or if your domain still isn't live a couple days after you finished all your steps, please reach out to support.

Troubleshooting a failed SSL record

We have run into some cases where the CNAME for the SSL certificate fails because of restrictions in the DNS system. If you run into that SSL error, you need to add the following record to your DNS:

Type: CAA

Record: {your root domain, e.g.}

Flag: 0

Tag: issue

Value: ""

You need the quotation marks around the value, but in some cases your DNS system may add those automatically. So if it says """" (double quotes) after you save the record, then edit it and remove the quotes and re-save it.

After you have added the CAA record, you need to reach out to me here via the chat widget or at so that we can regenerate your SSL record.

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